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EMMIS seminar on benefits of certified low voltage transformers

EMMIS seminar on benefits of certified low voltage transformers

On Monday 2 November was completed the training of electricians – installers regarding the benefits – advantages of certified low voltage transformers. The seminar was organized by the Electricians Association “SEHNA” and took place in Argyroupoli.

The training was delivered by the qualified technicians – experts of EMMIS SA, one of the very few companies in Europe with know-how in manufacturing certified low voltage transformers.

Participants acquired detailed knowledge on the following:

  • the absolute safety of certified low voltage transformers
  • the high-quality manufacturing materials
  • the full quality control based on the strictest international standards
  • the easy installation, especially with the use of specially designed metal box, which relieves installer of the otherwise necessary mounting
  • the very low energy losses due to special design with ventilators
  • the absolute correspondence between indicated and actual power, which protects the buyer from selecting transformers with higher indicated power and higher costs
  • the individual packaging which protects the transformer against dust and consequent spoilage
  • the 10 years warranty
  • the detailed installation and use instructions

The seminar on the benefits of low voltage transformers was then followed by the training of electricians on voltage stabilizers.

It was highlighted the usefulness of voltage stabilizers in machine protection and protection against risks such as interruption of production lines, data losses and high energy consumption due to immersions and elevations of voltages.

Finally, participants were informed of the quality criteria enabling them to distinguish a high- quality stabilizer from a lower-quality voltage stabilizer.